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Insects On The Move

Insects On The Move

Insects on The Move 

Insects are on the move. As the weather finally improves, flying insects are top of mind for pest control professionals and their customers. Whether it’s wasps, flies or flying ants, this is the time of year to prepare for the annual invasion of these annoying, persistent and occasionally dangerous- airborne insects.

Flying ants are, in fact, sexually active black garden ants that have been waiting all summer for the ideal moment – i.e. warm and dry weather – to perform their so-called ‘nuptial’ flight. Once these ants begin to fly, others detect their chemical smell and join them. Their swarms can last all day.
There is no specific treatment against flying ants – a good professional pest controller will go straight to the source of the problem, the ant nest, which is usually located underneath patio stones, flagstones, in cavity walls or old tree stumps.
There will be occasions where only the intervention of a pest control professional will be required. In such instances, the long-term benefits of a fly-less kitchen, a nest-less attic or an ant-less patio outweigh the short-term cost of retaining the services of an expert pest-control company.


Flies spread disease with their legs and bodies as they move from their feeding grounds to food and food-preparation areas. They can only ingest liquids, so they spit their saliva onto solid foods to pre-digest it, and the suck it in. They also vomit out partially-digested food before eating it again.
Insect fly screens are the most effective way to keep flies where they belong- outdoors. Since windows and doors are an open invitation to flying insects, fly screens – which are custom fitted to building entry/ exit points – are the first line of defence against all types of flying insects in the home and workplace. They deny airborne insects access to your premises and prevent them from contaminating food and work surfaces, whilst at the same time allowing adequate ventilation and daylight.
Fly units, which can be free standing or wall mounted, can cover any area from 20 to 60 square meters, depending on the model in question, and are another highly effective means of keeping your home or workplace fly free.

People react differently to being stung by a bee or a wasp; some are barely affected while others can suffer considerable pain and swelling in the sting area. a small number of individuals are allergic to stings, and in some case, can suffer potentially-fatal anaphylactic shock if medical treatment isn’t sought immediately.
If you discover a bees or wasps nest in your home, workplace,garden or shed, it is strongly recommended that you do not attempt to remove or destroy it yourself. Call a professional pest controller immediately: they will survey the affected area and remove the nest safely, efficiently and completely.

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