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Client reporting is an increasingly important requirement in professional and effective pest management. Central Pest Control adheres to the highest professional standards for our industry, in line with all applicable legislation and Irish Pest Control Association (IPCA) guidelines.

Client reporting is an increasingly important requirement in professional and effective pest management. Central Pest Control adheres to the highest professional standards for our industry, in line with all applicable legislation and Irish Pest Control Association (IPCA) guidelines. This ensures that our clients have total peace of mind that their pest-management issues are being dealt with in a thoroughly professional and competent manner.

Our reporting is based on a 10-point Code of Conduct laid out by the IPCA:

1. Site Assessment

Central Pest Control shall establish and record the declared requirements of the client, taking specific account of any relevant risk factors or client concerns which may impact upon the choice of service to be proposed, e.g. nature of client’s business, nature and value of assets impacted, location, etc.

A thorough assessment shall be conducted by our technicians to determine whether there is an active infestation or whether the potential to support an infestation exists. The results shall be explained to the client before any programme of intervention is designed or implemented.

Central Pest Control shall record all inspections in accordance with any agreed contract.

2. Infestation Assessment and Root-Cause Analysis

When an active infestation is detected, a thorough assessment shall be conducted by a qualified Central Pest Control technician. The results shall be recorded and explained to the client before any programme of intervention is designed or implemented.

Where the presence of pests are identified, Central Pest Control shall make all reasonable endeavours to establish and trace the possible sources of the infestation; these findings shall be taken into account both within any formal recommendations and in design of any preventive and treatment strategies.

3. Client and Site Risk Assessment

Depending on their business activity, organisations are required to comply with varying third-party specifications and Central Pest Control appreciates that these factors contribute to each client’s specific requirements. Central Pest Control shall define its response and recommendations based upon any potential threat to health, assets and the environment identified within the client’s own environment.

4. Field of Legal Application

Our technical manager shall establish formally which regulations are applicable and then select the most appropriate control strategy to be included in the pest-management plan for the client.

5. Pest-Management Plan

The pest-management plan shall define the appropriate strategy, a timetable of actions and take into account the type of client/industry and any relevant local site factors. In addition, the client shall be advised of any area or practice of its operation that could impact on the proposed strategy.

When defining appropriate methods of control, the principles of integrated pest management shall be applied and shall include consideration of the following strategies or rational combinations thereof as appropriate for each pest species identified:

  • habitat modification
  • biological control
  • physical control
  • mechanical control
  • chemical control

When selecting control methods, consideration shall be given to:

  • risk to local environment
  • potential to contaminate environmental compartments, e.g. agricultural soil or surface waters
  • potential for primary and secondary poisoning of non-target animals

6. Formal Client Proposal

In cases where the original sales process did not involve a direct visit to the client’s site, Central Pest Control shall verify any pre-information before proceeding with service provision. We shall present our most relevant findings in a logical and sequential way to the client, and detail the logic on which the proposed pest-control service strategy is based.

In cases where there is no ongoing contract and the service requested by the client is not recurring, the requirement for a formal document may be limited. In the event that no contract is concluded following an exchange of information between Central Pest Control and the client, CPC is not obligated to provide a formal proposal.

The formal client proposal shall include follow-up provisions to ensure the service has been effective and that no further treatment is required.

7. Service Delivery

Central Pest Control shall deliver its services as follows:

  • select the appropriate method of control, including any active ingredient and formulation where required
  • use a suitable method of application
  • ensure correct storage and transportation

8. Waste Disposal

Central Pest Control shall manage and dispose of waste safely and in a manner that will avoid adverse impacts on the environment, people and non-target species. We act in strict accordance with the relevant local and European legislation and industry codes of practice.

9. Formal Record, Service Report and Client Recommendation

Internal record

Central Pest Control shall retain on file a record of the pest-management plan and service delivered.

Service Report and Recommendation

Central Pest Control shall issue a report to the client at agreed intervals.

10. Service-Effectiveness Confirmation

Central Pest Control shall demonstrate service effectiveness by confirming that the results achieved are in accordance with the objectives contained in the plan agreed with the client. This may also include additional recommendations for actions to be completed by the client or Central Pest Control. Following the successful completion of the service, the file shall be closed for single jobs or moved into monitoring for regular service contracts.

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