Flying insects are a threat to your business. When people see flies in a food premises, they will usually assume the environment is unclean and could take their business elsewhere. Understandably seeing flies or wasps crawling on your products, may well result in customers shopping elsewhere, and therefore causing a bad image for your company. This reason, along with the loss of money having to get rid of fly contaminated food products, will cost you money. Flies will also carry and spread several diseases which could cause health issues for staff or customers, posing a health risk.
Did you know?
You could be imposed with a fine from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland Act 1998, if they believe your food has been processed, prepared, or served in an environment which could be contaminated by flying insects.
This is where the pest control professionals – Central Pest Control – come in. Saving your business from Costs, Poor Company Image, Health and Safety Fines and Health Issues. Central Pest Control will Supply, Fit and Measure Insect Fly Screens to suit each individual company’s needs. Denying Flying Insects easy access into your property through open doors and windows, while still allowing you to open doors and windows without the fear of flies getting in. As we are approaching warmer weather, Now is the Ideal time to Invest in Insect Fly Screens For Doors & Windows.
Fly Screen For Windows And Doors Benefits:
- Fit to Measure – Every fly screen is made to measure for perfect fit by our trained staff.
- Aesthetic – Frames will be colour matched to your premises décor.
- Any Size – Screens are measured to any size door or window required.
- Safe – All fly screens are non-combustible.
- Sanitary – Screens are made from PVC coated fibreglass to ensure it will not shrink or fray and can be washed time and time again.
- Durable – Frames can be made to be stainless steel or anodised aluminium to avoid corrosion and give maximum durability.
- Commercial – We can provide stainless steel mesh for heavy commercial use.
- Specification – Every fly screen is produced to the full specification standards.
If Flying Insects are not worth the Risk in your Premises – Contact Central Pest Control Today for a Free Commercial Risk Assessment Site Survey!
Central Pest Control is here to help. With our expertise and commitment to quality, please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
Dublin: 01 2005900