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Don’t let the bed bugs bite…

Don’t let the bed bugs bite…

Bed bugs spread easily, are difficult to treat, and unfortunately have become a growing nuisance in Ireland in recent years.

Although these bugs do not carry or spread disease, they do suck blood from humans, and in doing so they may actually inject their saliva into the bite area, causing itching and swelling..ouch!

The longer an infestation is left unattended, the worse it will potentially get.   It’s best to take action and eradicate them as soon as possible. This is best done by a commercial pest control firm, which can treat the affected area and let you sleep soundly (and alone) tonight.

Central Pest Control can get rid of your bed bug problem offering a range of solutions to get rid of bugs and prevent re-infestations. Get in touch today at 1890 906195 or email info@centralpestcontrol.flywheelsites.com. Most importantly, do not ignore the bed bugs!


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