In Ireland, native spiders are not considered dangerous, or a threat to health but some households suffer from ‘nuisance’ house spiders, and because of common fears (arachnophobia), many require pest control.
If you require this particular, you can contact us to obtain advice and possible treatment methods, usually, smoke generators.
If you are experiencing problems from a species in which you do not identify with Ireland and are worried, you can contact the Natural History Museum or your local animal shelter.
To remove a spider without killing it, invert a small carton over it and slide a piece of card between the opening and the surface on which the spider rests.
Where multiple spiders require controlling, this is usually achieved by physical collection and web destruction. If this isn’t possible, control may be achieved by the removal of prey. This may involve the use of insecticidal sprays to control prey and predator.
Some IPCA member companies may offer advice and possible treatment methods, however, some public health pesticides may not be approved for use in outside areas, or may not affect spiders. Alternative treatment methods may be applied. However, treatments methods will be at the discretion of the professional pest control.
Use a trained professional pest controller.