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Help I have been Stung by a Wasp! What do I do?

Help I have been Stung by a Wasp! What do I do?

 Firstly Don’t Panic. Follow Central Pest Control’s Tip for Preventing Infection from a Wasp Sting.

  1. Remove the Sting: As the venom from the wasp will be in the sting, it is best to remove this as soon as possible to avoid more venom entering the body. A sterilised tweezers should do it.
  2. Clean the Area: To prevent infection, wash the area with soap and water. A cold compress will help with the swelling.
  3. Pain Relief: Take over the counter pain relievers to help with the inflammation and reduce the pain.
  4. Signs of Reaction: If you are aware you already have an allergy to a wasp sting or have symptoms such as shortness of breath, hives, swelling in the face or throat, seek medical help.
  5. Don’t Scratch: Scratching the area could lead to an infection of the area. An antihistamine or applying anti itch cream to the area will help with the itchiness.

If you have been stung by a wasp in your property or surroundings, you may have a nest nearby. It can become dangerous if they feel threatened and they will become aggressive.

We do not recommend DIY removals of wasps nests as wasps can be a very aggressive insect and will react if they feel their nest could be in danger.

A wasps nest can be in  difficult to treat area and could put you in their flying range of motion if you try to deal with this yourself. It is important that it should be let t the professional.

Central Pest Control have many years of training in dealing with nests of all shapes and sizes from the size of an acorn to a football. We will also wear protective clothing to prevent an attack on ourselves, and we will always make sure home owners are not nearby as we treat a wasps nest.

Central Pest Control is here to help. With our expertise and commitment to quality, please don’t hesitate in contacting us.

Dublin: 01 2005900



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