Pigeon control requires more than just the plastic owl. After a while, they will merely use the owl as a convenient perch. To be honest, I once viewed the pigeon as mildly charming as they bobbed up and down through the local park. My eyes were opened when I first witnessed the mess pigeons create. They are in fact the top urban pest bird, causing damage wherever they roost. Their droppings are highly acidic and can cause serious damage to buildings and machinery. They also carry an assortment of diseases that are worryingly transmissible to humans.
Central Pest Control has a range of solutions to solve your bird problem. Every bird control situation that we are called to is carefully and thoroughly evaluated and we take into account the environmental and social implications that will affect the implementation of a successful bird control program. To learn more about combating the scourge of urban pigeons, pick up the phone and call us today 1890 906195 or email info@centralpestcontrol.flywheelsites.com. We look forward to working with you.