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Trending: LED Fly Units

Trending: LED Fly Units

Central Pest Control offer a variety of LED Fly Control Units designed to efficiently manage fly populations with lower energy consumption and minimal glare.

These units are discreet, reducing visibility while effectively preventing flies from breeding in your premises.


Which Fly Control Unit is right for me?

Central Pest Control have a complete range of the latest technology in LED – The Friendly Unit for the Environment.

Below are three of our most popular Fly Control Units tailored for your specific needs.

  1. LED X Trap – Recommended for use in shops and restaurants and dry industrial environments.
  2. LED Uplighter – Recommended for use in homes, offices, shops and restaurants.
  3. LED Translucent – Recommended for use in shops and restaurants and dry industrial environments.


Traditional fly units are becoming a thing of the past as we cut back on carbon issues. Central Pest Control will always recommend LED fly units as our preferred fly control unit for both efficiency and for cost benefit too.

Our clients are saving money by switching from their traditional fly control units to LED units.


The benefits of switching from an old EFK Fly Unit to LED:

  • LED units are more environmentally friendly and more economical to run.
  • LED units send out fewer gas admissions.
  • These are a safer unit to use both in the home and the working environment.


LED Fly Control Units Key Features:

Energy Efficiency: Use LED strips which consume less energy than traditional fly killers.

Low Glare: Designed to minimize light disturbance.

Discreet Design: Blends into the environment, reducing visibility.


Don’t hesitate to contact us today as we are here to advise on best pest management and the importance of location of these units to increase a greater catchment of most flying insects.

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Dublin: 01 2005900




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