Bed Bugs: Coming Soon To A Bed Near You? Central Pest Control’s Top Tips on How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs:
Fact: Bed bug incidents have doubled in year since Paris infestation!

Health Risk – Bed bugs will bite and each individual reacts differently to being bit. Bites will be itchy and when overly scratched can lead to an infection.
Hundreds of households have been seeking help to deal with bed bugs over the past year and pest control firms have been inundated with calls regarding this pest. People are researching more than ever for information on this difficult to treat pest. Central Pest Control are here to provide you with our expert opinion on all things bed bugs.
Did you know?
While not known to transmit disease, seven out of ten people who are bitten by bed bugs report an allergic reaction!
How can you tell if you have bed bugs?
Contrary to their name, bed bugs are not only found in bedrooms. They are prolific breeders and will conceal themselves in inaccessible places, such as small cracks and crevices, behind wallpaper, and under skirting boards.
Moreover, they can seek refuge in upholstery such as sofas, curtains, and chairs, extending their presence to unexpected places such as the seats of planes, trains, and coaches.
- 4-5mm in length, think apple seed.
- Bed bugs will produce an unpleasant odour.
- Skin sheds.
- Blood spots on bedding.
- Bed bug bites are commonly found on exposed skin areas like the arms, legs, face, and neck.
- Sight – seeing live bed bugs on places like furniture and bedding.
Bed bugs will appear in multi occupancy buildings with rapid resident turnover and crowded areas like apartments, hostels, holiday camps, hospitals and transport.
They feed on humans and will travel place to place. What is the main cause of bed bugs?
They will come into your property via:
- Your luggage after a holiday
- Goods bought online
- Second hand furniture
Infestations can cause psychological trauma for some people, including anxiety, stress and insomnia. The many health conditions that bed bugs can worsen has been greatly downplayed.
They are the worst kind of vacation souvenir parasite that travel the world. Central Pest Control’s tips on how to prevent bedbugs hitchhiking their way home with you from your summer holiday:
- Store luggage on luggage racks
- Check the room for signs of bedbugs before unpacking – checking bedding and headboards
- Good housekeeping at home to avoid an infestation brewing.
Damage caused by Bed bugs
Central Pest Control would always recommend a bedbug pest prevention program in the hospitality sector. Bed bugs will bite and draw blood which could cause infection and for a business could damage your reputation as guests will become distressed if they find these insects in their rooms.
Bed bugs can pose a significant risk to businesses, particularly those in the hospitality industry, such as hotels, hostels, care homes, student accommodations and Airbnb accommodations. The risks associated with bed bugs include:
- Health Risk – Bedbugs will bite and each individual reacts differently to being bit. Bites will be itchy and when overly scratched can lead to an infection.
- Reputation – Bedbugs are associated with unclean and unsanitary conditions. If a business becomes known for having Bedbugs it can damage their reputation and may result in a loss of clients.
- Legal liability – Businesses are responsible for ensuring rooms are bed bug-free. If a business has been found to be the source of a bed bug infestation, it may be held legally responsible for any damages or losses incurred by affected parties, including guests, employees, or neighbouring businesses.
- Financial loss – If bedbugs have infested a business premises the company may have no other choice but to close business temporarily to deal with the infestation causing financial loss to the company. Treating a bedbug infestation early can prevent this.
- Stress – Bedbugs can cause stress to guests and to families when trying to sleep in fear of being bitten.
- Costs – Costs in some cases may consist of an entire room, landing and adjacent rooms may need to be refurbished and all furniture fittings may need to be thrown out.
Central Pest Control have a five step treatment protocol designed to kill live nymphs and adults in the reproductive life cycle of a bedbug population. Eradication should be left to professionals who have extensive experience working with bed bugs. We do not recommend DIY methos of bed bug fumigation, which we have seen devastating news making headlines as a result of a failed attempt at DIY bed bug removal methods.
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Central Pest Control is here to help. With our expertise and commitment to quality, please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
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