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Moles (Talpa)

Moles (Talpa)

Pest advice for controlling Moles

Moles tunnel using their large two front paws to scrape away the earth and feel along tunnels with their snouts and whiskers. Because of the absence of light within their living conditions, moles have very poor eyesight so very rarely will you see mole activity above ground.

In rural areas especially, moles can cause considerable damage to your garden/land by tunnelling through the soil. With heavy infestations, the ground can become unstable, and holes may appear not only damaging the foundations of your property but also creating safety risks.

How to get rid of Moles

Professional pest control is needed for these pests.

Methods such as tunnel trapping, gassing (Aluminium Phosphates) and even shooting (least likely method of control) can be used by a professional to control these pests. Tunnel trapping must be done with care as moles can easily detect disturbance of the tunnel and will avoid the area.

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