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Ladybirds (Coccinellidae)

Ladybirds (Coccinellidae)

Pest advice for controlling Ladybirds

Numbers of large ladybirds active on the outside of buildings, and sometimes entering buildings, may cause concern to residents. The peak of this autumn activity is restricted to a few weeks only, but once inside wandering ladybirds may occur on mild days throughout the winter. When disturbed, the beetles produce a foul-smelling liquid, which may also stain fabrics, etc. They do no damage to the building itself.

Being more vigorous than our native ladybird species, there are concerns that it may have an adverse impact on their numbers.

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How to get rid of Ladybirds

For properties that have regular problems with ladybirds entering the building, proofing of entry points will reduce future problems.

Ladybirds within buildings may be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Residual insecticides labelled for ‘beetles’ or ‘crawling insects’ and applied to crevices and entry points around buildings are likely to kill Harlequin ladybirds, but beware; native ladybird species may also be present in the same hibernation sites within buildings.

For a heavy Ladybird infestation, we would recommend you contact professional pest control company. A trained professional will have the technical knowledge and access to a range of professional use products and equipment which are not available to the public.

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